Dear user, first of all thank you for stopping by.
We place great value on the fact that you can trust us and therefore we wish to share with you on this page the purposes and methods of processing the personal data that we collect during your browsing, and with the use of the services offered by us, such as better specified below.
The processing of your personal data is always based on principles of lawfulness and correctness in compliance with all applicable regulations in force.
Below you will find all the details on the processing of your personal data.
We are available to answer your questions. At this link you will find all the ways to contact us: Contact us


This information allows you to know, even before accessing the various sections of the Site, how Salumificio Subalpino spa will process your personal data, both those provided directly by you (such as name, surname, postal and e-mail address, password, age, date of birth, sex, image, profession, marital status, etc.) and those collected in other ways by Salumificio Subalpino spa as described in the section "What Personal Data we process and how we collect them" (hereinafter, collectively, " Personal Data"). It is necessary for you to read it before providing your Personal Data.

Identity and contact details of the Data Controller

The data controller is Salumificio Subalpino spa, with headquarters in Via Cortemilia 92/A – Diano d'Alba (CN) Italy with the following contact details
Salumificio Subalpino spa will process your Personal Data in compliance with EU Regulation no. 2016/679 and the national legislation on the protection of personal data (hereinafter "Privacy Legislation").

What Personal Data we process and how we collect it

Your navigation on the Site and/or access to some sections of the Site may result in the collection and subsequent further processing of your Personal Data by Salumificio Subalpino spa. In fact, when connecting to the Site, the IT systems and software procedures responsible for their operation automatically and indirectly administer and/or acquire some information (such as, by way of example, the so-called "cookies", as specified in the "Information Note"). on Privacy - Cookies", which is found at the end of this information, "IP" addresses, domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in "Url" notation of the requested resources, the time of the request to the server).
Any requests for information or services on your part may also involve the collection and subsequent further processing of your Personal Data (such as name, surname, postal and e-mail address, password, age, date of birth, gender, image , profession, marital status, etc.).
In particular, the collection of your Personal Data may take place: - by completing online forms;
 - through your registration via social log-in; and - through your publication of Contributions (as defined below), the content of which may include your Personal Data provided directly by you, on social networks managed independently by third parties, such as, by way of example and not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, etc. (hereinafter “Social Network”). By "Contributions" we mean the images, comments, catchphrases associated with the subject matter of the Site, the contents and any other information conceived by you and published on the Social Network pages dedicated to Salumificio Subalpino spa products, including the image that you may provide.
In the event that you choose to send a request through the "Contact us" section of the Site, the provision of some Personal Data is necessary so that Barilla can satisfy your needs within the functionality of the Site, for which the relevant fields of the form registration are marked with an asterisk or are otherwise marked as mandatory. The provision of Personal Data not marked with an asterisk or otherwise marked as mandatory is merely optional and failure, partial or incorrect provision of such Personal Data does not entail any consequences. However, failure, partial or incorrect provision of Personal Data marked with an asterisk or otherwise marked as mandatory does not make it possible to perform the service requested by you. In the event that you have failed to provide one or more mandatory Personal Data, an error message will appear with the list of missing mandatory Personal Data.

What are the purposes of the processing of your Personal Data and its legal bases

According to the needs expressed from time to time by you by accessing the various sections of the Site (and except for individual initiatives that involve the provision of specific Personal Data, for which specific information will be published from time to time on the Site), the following are indicated: purposes of the processing of your Personal Data and the related legal bases.
Your Personal Data will be processed for the following purposes exclusively subject to your consent to the processing, which may be revoked at any time by deleting your profile, using the link at the bottom of each promotional email (with regards to marketing and the newsletter) or according to the methods indicated from time to time by the Data Controller when collecting consent:
a) Management of and response to your requests
You may decide to give consent to the processing of your Personal Data for the management and response by Salumificio Subalpino spa to your requests in relation to products and initiatives, advertising, or the Site ("contact us" section of the Site). In relation to this purpose, your consent is required when sending requests. In the event that you decide not to give consent to the processing of your Personal Data for the aforementioned purpose, it will not be possible to continue with sending your request.
b) Marketing activities
You may decide to give consent to the processing of your Personal Data for marketing purposes, i.e. for commercial communications, including via e-mail, concerning the sending of related promotional and advertising material.
c) Receipt of the newsletter
You can decide to subscribe, giving your consent, to the newsletter service. In relation to this purpose, your consent is required when registering for the newsletter service.

How we process your Personal Data

The processing of your Personal Data may include any type of operation, including collection, recording, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction.
Your Personal Data will be processed in a predominantly automated but also paper form, with logic strictly related to the relevant purposes, through databases, electronic platforms managed by Salumificio Subalpino spa or by third parties appointed for this purpose as external data controllers and/or systems integrated IT systems of Salumificio Subalpino spa and the aforementioned third parties and/or websites.
Il Titolare ha valutato come adeguato il livello di sicurezza tenendo conto dei rischi che potrebbero derivare da perdita, distruzione, modifica, divulgazione non autorizzata, accesso accidentale o illegale, abuso o alterazione dei tuoi Dati Personali. In particolare:
- ha adottato misure di sicurezza adeguate ai rischi;
- conserva i tuoi Dati Personali su server prevalentemente situati nel territorio europeo, (per conoscere le modalità di trasferimento dei Dati Personali al di fuori dello Spazio Economico Europeo si veda la seguente sezione “Trasferimento al di fuori dello Spazio Economico Europeo dei tuoi Dati Personali”). In ogni caso, i server sono soggetti a un sistema avanzato e quotidiano di back up.

Where we process your Personal Data

Your Personal Data is mainly processed at the Data Controller's offices and in the places where the data controllers are located. For further information, contact the Data Controller at the contact details indicated in the "Identity and contact details of the Data Controller" section.

How long we keep your Personal Data

In order to ensure compliance with the principles of necessity and proportionality of processing, the Data Controller has identified different retention times for Personal Data in relation to the individual purposes pursued:
(i) for the purposes of managing and responding to your requests in relation to products and initiatives, advertising, or the Site ("contact us" section of the Site), your Personal Data will be retained for the time strictly necessary to process the request. your request;
(ii) for the purposes of marketing activities, i.e. for commercial communications, including via e-mail, concerning the sending of promotional and advertising material relating to any brand of the group Salumificio Subalpino spa or carrying out market research, your Personal Data, excluding contact data, will be kept for a maximum period of 36 months;
(iii) for the purposes of sending newsletters, your Personal Data, excluding contact data, will be kept for a maximum period of 36 months.
(iv) for the purposes of managing and executing the obligations required by law (of an accounting, administrative, fiscal nature, etc.), your Personal Data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for this purpose;
(v) for the purposes of managing disputes and any disputes, your Personal Data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for this purpose and, in any case, no longer than the applicable limitation periods.

Who are the recipients of your Personal Data

Your Personal Data may be communicated to and processed by:
(i) legal or natural persons acting as external data controllers, carrying out outsourced activities, appointed by Salumificio Subalpino spa or by external data controllers of Salumificio Subalpino spa (including subjects entrusted with assistance, communication, marketing, advertising, promotions and sales of products and/or services activities as well as advertisers, advertising agencies, IT service providers, site managers, electronic platform managers, partners, credit, professional studies);
(ii) employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller (including system administrators) who, operating under the direct authority of the latter, will be authorized to process your Personal Data;
(iii) employees and/or collaborators of external data processors (including system administrators) who, operating under the direct authority of the external data processors, will be authorized to process your Personal Data.
Your Personal Data will not be communicated to third parties except in the case in which your Personal Data must be communicated by Salumificio Subalpino spa to consultants in order to protect its rights, nor disclosed.


Minors under the age of 16 must not provide information or Personal Data to Salumificio Subalpino spa without the consent of those exercising parental responsibility over them. In the absence of such consent, it will not be possible to register the minor on the Site. Salumificio Subalpino spa invites all those who exercise parental responsibility over minors to inform them about the safe and responsible use of the Internet and the Web and to implement the procedures indicated during registration on the Site concerning the registration on the Site of subjects under the age of 16.

Identity and contact details of the data controllers

The complete list of those responsible for processing Personal Data can be consulted by contacting the Data Controller at the contact details indicated in the "Identity and contact details of the Data Controller" section.

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The Data Protection Officer appointed by the Data Controller has the following contact details:
Your rights in relation to the processing of your Personal Data
The Privacy Law recognizes you, as an interested party, numerous rights. In particular, you have the right to:
1. obtain confirmation from the Data Controller of the existence or otherwise of your Personal Data, even if not yet registered and their communication in an intelligible form as well as access to your Personal Data (obtaining a copy) and related information (including the purposes of the processing, the categories and origin of the Personal Data, the categories of recipients to whom they have been or may be communicated, the retention period (when possible), the exercisable rights);
2. obtain from the Data Controller the rectification of your Personal Data and the integration of your incomplete Personal Data;
3. obtain from the Data Controller the deletion of your Personal Data without unjustified delay, among other things, when the Personal Data is no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which it was processed or the legal basis for its processing no longer exists;
4. obtain from the Data Controller the transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your Personal Data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary, in relation to the purposes for which the Personal Data itself was collected or subsequently processed ;
5. obtain from the Data Controller the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data, among other things, when you dispute its accuracy or have objected to the processing, for the period necessary for the respective checks;
6. receive, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, your Personal Data as well as transmit or, if technically feasible, obtain direct transmission of your Personal Data to another data controller without impediments, in cases where the processing is carried out by automated means and is based on your consent or is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party;
7. withdraw consent to the processing of your Personal Data for any of the purposes for which it was provided.
You can exercise your rights towards Salumificio Subalpino spa by accessing the "Contact us" section of the Site / or by writing to the following email address
or by sending Salumificio Subalpino spa a letter by ordinary mail to the address indicated in the "Identity and contact details of the Data Controller" section.
Furthermore, in the event that you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates the Privacy Law, you can lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data of the State in which you reside, where your place of work or in which the alleged violation occurred, or contact the same Authority to request information regarding the exercise of your rights provided for by the Privacy Law.

The right to object to the processing of your Personal Data

At any time and for reasons related to your particular situation, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data that is necessary for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Owner or of third parties. In this case, the Data Controller refrains from further processing your Personal Data unless he demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate reasons that prevail over your interests, rights or freedoms or it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in court.
Without prejudice to your right to withdraw consent for processing for marketing purposes, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, to the extent that it is connected to such direct marketing, by accessing the "Contact us" section of the Site/ or by sending an email to the following email address: If you object to the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, the Data Controller will no longer be able to carry out any processing of them for this purpose.


Cookies are lines of text that act as computer markers sent by a server (in this case, that of the Site) to a user's device (generally to the Internet browser) when the user accesses a given page of a website ; cookies, which can also be set by websites other than those the user is visiting ("third-party cookies"), are automatically stored by the user's browser and re-transmitted to the server that generated them every time the user accesses the same Internet page. In this way, for example, cookies allow and/or facilitate access to some Internet pages to improve user navigation (i.e. they allow the memorization of pages visited and other specific information, such as pages consulted most frequently, connection errors, etc.). Therefore, for easier and complete use of a website, it would be advisable for the user to configure their browser to accept the receipt of such cookies.
Browsers are often set to automatically accept cookies. However, users can change the default configuration, in order to disable or delete cookies (from time to time or once and for all), with the consequence, however, that the optimal use of some areas of the website may be precluded. It is also possible to check the methods and types of cookies stored on your browser by changing the cookie settings of your browser.

Characteristics and purposes of cookies

Our site uses the following categories of cookies, which may be from Salumificio Subalpino spa or third parties.
I. Technical and functional cookies:
a) Technical cookies or "technical cookies":

They serve to facilitate your navigation on the Site and the use of its features. Among technical cookies, we highlight essential cookies, also called "strictly necessary", which enable functions without which it would not be possible to fully use the Site, as well as performance cookies which allow functionality to be improved. of the Site.

b) Function cookies or “functionality cookies”:

They allow the Site to remember the choices you make (for example the language or geographical area you are in) and propose them again on subsequent accesses in order to provide better and personalized services (for example, they can be used to offer content similar to those you have already requested previously).

II. Profiling cookies:
They are used to send advertising messages and services in line with the preferences expressed by you.
In particular, they are used to offer you advertising and services potentially close to your interests, as well as for the creation of individual profiles on your tastes, preferences and consumption choices, as detected during navigation on the Site or through the comparison of activities carried out by you through your browser. For example, they are used to limit the administration of a given advertisement, or to deduce the effectiveness of a campaign from the frequency of viewing of the relevant advertisement.

Description of the methods of consent to the installation of cookies

When you first access the Site, you will find a banner with a short information which contains the link to this extended information where you will find more information on the cookies installed by the Owner and third parties.
In this extended information you will find more information on the description and characteristics of the different categories of cookies and you will have the possibility to decide independently which cookies to authorize.
For the use of technical and analytical cookies, your consent is not required. However, you can disable them by following the procedure described in the paragraph "How to enable or disable cookies on your browsers".
However, as regards the use of profiling cookies, useful for sending you advertising and services in line with your tastes, preferences and consumption choices, your consent is required.
By browsing the Site, you consent to the use of cookies, including profiling cookies. In any case, you can change your preferences regarding cookies at any time, including denying consent to the use of any cookies (including cookies installed by third parties) in the table below.
The following table describes the cookies sent to your browser when accessing the Site. The table is updated as of 09/25/2018; any updates will always be published on this page.
• Third-party technical cookies
• Technical cookies with retention time extended until the cookie is manually deleted.

Analytics cookies
• Google AnalyticsProfiling cookies (marketing)
• Facebook cookies
Below are links to the information and consent forms of third parties, independent data controllers, through which you will have the opportunity to collect more information, manage and deactivate these cookies.

How to enable or disable cookies on your browsers:
You can block the acceptance of cookies by your browser. However, this operation may make it less efficient or prevent access to some functions or pages of the Site.
Below we report the methods offered by the main browsers to block the acceptance of cookies:
Internet Explorer:

Further ways to disable analytical and profiling cookies:

In addition to disabling and/or deleting cookies through the relevant settings of your browser, you can proceed to disable and/or delete individual analytical and profiling cookies by accessing the following sites:
• Google Analytics cookies, which is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies", i.e. text files that are stored on the user's computer to allow analysis of how users use the Site/APP. The information generated by the cookies on the use of the Site by the User will be transmitted to a Google server where they will be stored. Google will use this information to analyze your use of the Site, prepare reports on activities on the Site and to provide further services to the operator of this Site related to the use of the Site and its use. of the Internet. Google will not associate the IP address transmitted by the user's browser as part of Google Analytics with other data held by Google make the functions of the Site less personalized based on the user's preferences. The user can receive information on the processing activities of his personal data carried out by Google Analytics at the following address:; he can also prevent the recording by Google of the data produced by cookies and relating to his use of the Site (including his IP address) as well as the processing of such data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at following link: By using the Site, the user consents to the processing of their data by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated in Google's privacy policy in relation to the use of Google Analytics, accessible at the following link: https://www. To disable these cookies visit:

• Facebook cookies: visit to delete cookies provided by Facebook

The Owner uses social buttons on the Site.
Social buttons are digital buttons or direct connection links with the Social Network platforms configured in each single "button".
With a click on these links you will have the opportunity to interact directly with the accounts (social pages) of the Owner.
The managers of the Social Networks to which the buttons refer are independent data controllers. More information on the individual privacy policies of the Social Network platforms and on how to manage and deactivate the related cookies can be found on the Social Network platforms.